SFPA Names New Executive Director

Headshot of Eric Gee standing in pine tree forest

The Southern Forest Products Association (SFPA) Board of Directors has appointed Eric Gee to serve as Executive Director. Eric succeeds Tami Kessler, who retired after a 44-year career with the association.      

Eric began his wood industry career in Jackson, Mississippi with James M. Vardaman & Company where he worked as a consulting forester. He joined SFPA in 1997, serving in multiple capacities including marketing, government and environmental affairs, and director of SFPA’s Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Exposition. For the past two years, Eric has served the association as Deputy Director.  

Eric graduated from Auburn University with a B.S. in Forest Resources and continues to contribute to his alma mater as a member of Auburn’s School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences Advisory Council. He is a Society of American Foresters Certified Forester, Alabama Registered Forester, and Certified Exposition Manager. Eric resides in Covington, Louisiana with his wife, Lauren and two daughters.

“Eric brings a comprehensive set of skills set to the management of SFPA operations and the Board congratulates him on this well-deserved promotion,” stated SFPA Chairman Craig Forbes after making the announcement at a recent Board of Directors meeting. “Knowing what he does about our daily operations and the forest products industry, Eric is well prepared to manage the future progress of our association,” he added.

“Working with SFPA’s staff of dedicated professionals, I am looking forward to continuing to serve all SFPA members and further enhance the value of their membership,” Eric said. He may be reached by phone at 504-443-4464 ext. 3, or by e-mail to egee@sfpa.org.