Import Purchase Inquiry
Southern Pine
Import Purchase Inquiry
Are you looking to import Southern Pine from the United States? Let the Southern Forest Products Association (SFPA) help you source your lumber from U.S. suppliers.
Please complete the form below in English to expedite your inquiry. SFPA will then share your Southern Pine import inquiry with our expansive network of export agents, sawmills, pressure-treaters, and remanufacturers throughout the United States so you can connect with the best resource for your needs.
If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please email
Want to connect with a Southern Pine lumber exporter? Click here to review our Exporter Directory!

why import southern pine?
Southern Pine has so many cost and construction advantages over other building materials, it’s easy to forget what an environmental asset it is.
Wood is naturally reusable, recyclable and biodegradable; it’s the best insulator of all structural building materials, conserving finite fossil fuel
and coal by requiring less energy to heat and cool a home built with wood; it takes far less energy to transform trees into wood products than it does to manufacture steel, aluminum, masonry or plastic products – and less pollution of the air and water, too.
And, of course, a growing forest removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, while giving off life-sustaining oxygen. Can you think of a better environmental exchange than that?
Ample resources
Southern forests are among the largest and most readily accessible in the world. The growing stock of Southern Pine has more than doubled since the 1950s; by 2040, it will have increased in volume by about 20% to 120 billion cubic feet (3.4 billion cubic metres).
Stable supply chain
Expanding forests means long-term confidence in the supply chain. Southern foresters use sustainable forest management practices to guarantee an abundant resource for future generations and to protect the environment.
Strong infrastructure
The Southern United States is a global leader in exporting timber and finished products. Landowners, loggers, foresters and value-added industries create a dynamic and efficient supply chain, with Southern Pine reaching international markets through a network of Southeastern shipping ports.
Certified wood
Increasing amounts of Southern Pine forest are certified by third-party auditing programs, such as the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, American Tree Farm System, and the Forest Stewardship Council. Contact someone from the exporter directory below for details.