Structural Components
Southern Pine’s advantages make it the preferred species of choice for today’s structural building components. Component manufacturers can choose from a variety of visual grades and an increasing supply of mechanical grades providing a wide range of dependable strength and stiffness properties to meet the needs of any project. Visually graded lumber can adequately meet the structural requirements for many typical component applications. Due to the precise grading process, MSR and MEL provide advantages in more demanding engineered applications, such as longer-span trusses. Click here for more information on grading methods.
Southern Pine has the highest specific gravity, providing superior fastener-holding power and load-bearing capacity. Using Southern Pine for structural building components can result in:
- Smaller metal connector plates
- Fewer fasteners needed to transfer the same load
- Stronger top and bottom plates
- Less damage during handling, transportation, and at the job site
Southern Pine has long been the preferred species for pressure treatment because of its unique cellular structure that permits deep, uniform penetration of preservatives. Some 85% of all pressure-treated wood produced in the U.S. is Southern Pine. Using treated Southern Pine can result in:
- Additional opportunities for structural components where treated lumber is required
- Protection against decay and termites
Southern Pine offers a distinct grain pattern and an appealing golden color. Because of this natural beauty, exposed Southern Pine trusses provide architectural appeal.
All of these Southern Pine advantages and more contribute to the fact that Southern Pine is the preferred species for structural building components. Southern Pine adds to the safe, economic, and structurally sound use of wood trusses and wall panels, providing real cost savings for component manufacturers. Choosing domestic Southern Pine — a product grown in the U.S. — is not only a good environmental choice but also an opportunity to support local economies.