
リアルウッド vs




しかし、デッキの歩行面であるデッキボードは大変な作業です。 デッキは、天候や歩行者数による過酷な日々の罰を受け、デッキの最も目立つ部分として、長期的なフィット感、仕上げ、外観に対する高い期待に応えなければなりません。

他のデッキ製品は木材よりも最大8倍のエネルギーを必要とする可能性があるため、 木材は屋外プロジェクトに最適な環境選択です



  • 美的
  • 費用
  • 耐久性
  • 環境への影響
  • 長寿
  • メンテナンス

最終的に、木材デッキと複合デッキのどちらを選択するかは、優先順位と好みに帰着します。 自然な美学を大切にし、メンテナンスに時間を費やすことをいとわない場合は、ウッドデッキが正しい選択かもしれません。

composite or plastic decking
QuestionReal WoodComposites or PlasticsWhat are the facts?
Natural Appearance?YesNoThere is no substitute for the look and feel of real wood. Wood decking looks warm, natural, and blends beautifully with the landscape. Plastic or plastic composites, even with faux wood grain, still look and feel artificial.
Comfortable under foot?Yes?Wood is a naturally insulating material and does not conduct heat or cold like metal or plastic. In direct sun, some plastic or composite decking can become much hotter than wood, hot enough to burn or blister feet.
Safe to use?YesYesPressure-treated wood is safe for people, pets, and the environment. Furthermore, advanced preservative formulations contain no arsenical or chromium compounds while being resistant to decay and termite attack.
Renewable?YesNoWood is the only building material that uses the sun’s energy to renew itself in a continuous cycle. Sustainable forestry practices ensure our supply of homegrown wood will be maintained for future generations. On the other hand, plastics are derived from finite petroleum resources.
Earth-friendly?YesNoManufacturing wood products uses less energy and produces less air and water pollution than other building materials. Manufacturing plastic decking requires more energy to produce than a comparable piece of wood decking.
Strong?YesNoWood can be up to four times stronger than plastic or composite products and possesses up to nine times the stiffness of artificial decking. Wood decking is not affected by heat, which tends to promote creep (sagging) in composites over time.
Needs maintenance?YesYesDespite claims to the contrary, all decking requires maintenance. Periodic cleaning and application of a water-repellant sealer is all that is needed to keep a wood deck in top shape. A good scrubbing usually removes most stains on wood decking, too.
Decay/termite warranty?Lifetime limitedLimitedWood preservative manufacturers typically offer a limited lifetime warranty against decay and termite attack in residential use. Plastic or composite deck manufacturers typically offer a limited warranty.
Standardized product?YesNoApproved inspection agencies monitor lumber production and pressure-treating facilities. These agencies operate under rigorous protocols to enforce uniform performance and quality standards approved by the American Lumber Standard Committee and/or the American Wood Protection Association.